Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama Defends Health Care

The President is currently working on passing a reform, but a few issues still needed working out. Congress is currently debating various reform proposals. Certain questions keep posing disagreement. The primary concern that Americans are talking about is their result in paying for it. Obama has made it fairly certain he is not just planning to tax the middle class. But some are still in question of his decisions due to the economic crisis.
I am riding then fence on this issue. I somewhat agree this policy due to the fact countries such as Argentina has their medical issues covered if one is sick. However, the way our country is budgeted with hungry Americans only wanting more, we are too selfish to think of others. As a college student paying my own way, yes it would be easier to sleep at night knowing if I had a heart attack in my sleep I would be taken care of. But in this Country, I don’t see this ever happening.

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